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This documentation aims at providing sufficient information to allow users of the PyTOPKAPI package to set-up and run the model for their own purposes. It is not intended to be a definitive description of the theoretical aspects of the TOPKAPI model, nor a detailed description of the modelling methodology, although some methodological aspects are addressed. For a comprehensive description of the theory and methodology associated with the TOPKAPI model, readers should refer to the following references: Liu and Todini (2002), Pegram et al. (2006), Vischel et al. (2008a), Vischel et al. (2008b) and Sinclair and Pegram (2010).

There are three basic steps in the use of the PyTOPKAPI package. The first step is the creation of one or more model parameter files derived from the available catchment data, as well as the associated forcing variables (rainfall and evapotranspiration fields). The second step is to simply run the model using the designated parameter file and forcing variables. The third step is the analysis of the resulting simulations. The PyTOPKAPI package provides tools to assist with each of these tasks, but the user does need to exercise experience and judgement:

  • The extraction of catchment data (mainly using GIS) as well as the creation of forcing fields is left to the initiative of the users who are assumed to make use of their own expertise, software and numerical tools.
  • Numerically speaking, efforts have been made by the developers in coding and organising the PyTOPKAPI package, so that it can be easily run once the parameter files have been created.
  • Scientifically speaking, it is clear that the most crucial step is the creation of the parameter files, and particularly the way they are used to link the data available on the catchment, to the effective physical parameters required by the TOPKAPI model. This step requires knowledge of hydrology and must be conducted under the expertise of the user. However, in order to facilitate the process of using the PyTOPKAPI package, a module called parameter_utils is included in PyTOPKAPI. This module is only a suggestion from the developers to help future users in the creation of the parameter files starting from the catchment data. However, since this module was created based on the developers needs, it should be used with care and requires the user to carefully read and sometimes modify the Python codes if different applications or scientific choices are made.
  • The analysis of the results of the PyTOPKAPI package is reduced to a simple analysis of the simulations, so that the user can rapidly evaluate the quality of the run.


Liu Z. and Todini E., 2002, Towards a comprehensive physically-based rainfall-runoff model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 6(5), 859 – 881.

Pegram G., Sinclair S., Parak M., Sakulski D. and Nxumalo N., 2006, National Flood Nowcasting System: Towards an integrated mitigation strategy, WRC Report No. 1429/1/06, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Sinclair S. and Pegram G.G.S., 2010, A comparison of ASCAT and modeled soil moisture over South Africa, using TOPKAPI in land surface mode, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 613-626.

Vischel T., Pegram G.G.S., Sinclair S., Wagner W. and Bartsch A., 2008a, Comparison of soil moisture fields estimated by catchment modelling and remote sensing: a case study in South Africa, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 751-767.

Vischel T., Pegram G.G.S., Sinclair S. and Parak M., 2008b, Implementation of the TOPKAPI model in South Africa: Initial results from the Liebenbergsvlei catchment, Water SA, 34(3), 1-12.

Creative Commons License Copyright 2008-2010, Theo Vischel, Scott Sinclair & Geoff Pegram
Last updated on Nov 01, 2010 | Created using Sphinx